
Tunnel Boys

In Olden Days, before digital watches, when tunnels were low and dark, and before we knew better, not far from the Tunnel Men working in coal mines you’d find the Tunnel Boys.

They’d be working a 12 hours day, in the dark, from the age of 7 or 8 years.

A Trapper, sitting in the dark for ten hours at a time opening and closing a gate, or trap, every hour or so as a train of coal came through.

“The motorman would blink his light at me, and I’d throw the switch and open the door for him. Then, I’d jump into the manway until he was past, and run out and close the door. A trip would come along about every hour. Was I bored or lonely? Well, it was my job.”

A Greaser, clambering amongst the loaded tubs in the mine, greasing the axles, covered in oil and coal dust.

A Breaker- sitting astride a conveyor belt as the coal left the mine, sorting out the slate from the anthracite.

thanks to Shorpy for the photographs here.

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